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Waxing Gibbous Moon Over Alabama Hills/Inyo Mountains, California


The 98% illuminated Waxing Gibbous Moon rises over the Alabama Hills and Inyo Mountains of California on 3/5/2023.

On the way to Mammoth Lakes, CA we stopped by the Alabama Hills nearby the town of Lone Pine and were not disappointed with the beautiful scenery. It's rare to see snow around this part of California, especially with the recent drought. This year there is plenty of snow and rain falling all across California, it seems we may be on track to break a lot of all time records. As it stands now Mammoth Mountain has seen at least 569 inches of snow at Main Lodge with well over 700 inches on the summit. A year to remember!

Technical Info:

Location: Alabama Hills, CA.

1/2500 Sec Exposure @ 1600ISO

Camera: Canon 6D

Lens: Rokinon 135mm @ f5.6

Post Processed in Photoshop


1 Comment

Mar 11, 2023

Love this, really beautiful!

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